Theatre visits SSQ to tell The Story of the Missing Number
Why, oh why are Top Trumps cards proving so hard to find? Why are they disappearing from the shops? Our legendary sleuth and his assistant cannot understand it. Our heroes begin to wonder if something more sinister might be behind it… Could it be their arch nemesis himself, the brilliant but dastardly Fibonacci?
SSQ were very excited to welcome the Quantum theatre group to the school for the production of 'The Adventure of Number'.
The whole school enjoyed the production and the actors commented on what a fantastic audience the children were at listening and joining in.
A few quotes from the children.
"Mathematical but funny to watch!"
It showed me we do a lot of maths outside of school in the real world."
We would like to say a big thank you to FOSS (friends of Stanton School) for kindly paying for the show. It was a real treat!
Back in class some children have already created their own adventure plot full of everyday maths. One group have called theirs - The Maths Catastrophe which is about a cat who has 9 lives!