Stanton St QuintinPrimary School

Discovering Together

Welcome New Nile children!

Welcome everyone to Nile Class!

Last week, the new Nile Class went to the woods to put our own stamp on the woods, taking down the old dens to make new dens.

We played some games to get to know one another and went for a walk in our woods.  Darling class and Nile class learnt together, and had a really great time exploring.

We are looking forward to studying our topic in the woods this year and pretending to be castaways for our 'All Hands on Deck' Pirate focus.

Follow us on our adventures this term through this blog and leave us some comments please!

  • Mrs Todd 9 years ago
    I had an amazing time in the woods. Thank you Nile and Darling class!
  • olivia i 9 years ago
    I love school. It is fun.
  • Olivia T 9 years ago
    I like school because it's fun. We do fun things. we built a den today, a new fire circle, a jumping tree, and a boat.

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