Rhine Class Home Learning Week 2

Another productive and exciting week of learning at home for Rhine Class. Well done everyone!
It was great to hear that Rowan had his first virtual guitar lesson and it went really well. Please share with us if any of you have had any special virtual lessons and how they went.
Thank you all for your speeches to persuade the class to choose your charity for our next fundraiser. Very emotive.
This is one by Flora
By Freya
We also had a few messages written in hieroglyphics.
We were so impressed with Rhine Class contributions to poetry week and loved reading your poems and seeing you all read aloud your favourite poems with such intonation. Have a look on the whole school news blog to see your friends, teachers and the rest of the school sharing their poems.
Hope you all have a lovely Easter break and enjoy time with your family.
Mrs Weston, Mrs Matthews & Mrs MacKenzie