Stanton St QuintinPrimary School

Discovering Together

KS2 Word of the Week- 4.5.20 (Rhine)

Week 3! If you haven't joined in yet, please join us this week. Learning new words is so important and also quite good fun too.

Congratulations to last week's KS2 winning sentence written by Niah! Look out for your prize in the post :)

I hope you enjoyed last week's word of the week video and have been trying your hardest to use last week's word in lots of different ways to impress those around you with your growing vocabulary. 

We have loved reading your sentences; it really has been the highlight of our week! We hope to see even more of you getting involved this week. I think KS2 managed more sentences on their blogs than KS1 this week! Well done! Can you do the same again this week?

This week is an audio clip for you to listen to (at the bottom of this blog). This audio clip works best on a laptop or desktop computer. If you have difficulties opening on an iPad, please try a laptop or desktop if possible. Once you have taken part in the clip, see your challenges below. 

Here are the resources you will need to see whilst listening to the audio:

24 different contexts in which to use the word draw/drew/drawn/drawing. Use these examples to help you to use this week's word in a new way.

  1. produce (a picture or diagram) by making lines and marks on paper with a pencil, pen, etc. "He drew a map"
  2. pull or drag (something such as a vehicle) so as to make it follow behind. "A cart drawn by two horses" or "I drew back the blanket as I was feeling too warm”  
  3. gently pull or guide (someone) in a specified direction. "‘David,’ she whispered, drawing him aside"
  4. move somewhere in a slow steady way. "The train drew in to the station.” “The night drew in”
  5. come to or arrive at a point in time or in a process. "The campaign drew to a close"
  6. to close something. "Do you want me to draw the curtains?"
  7. extract (an object) from a container. "He drew his weapon and peered into the gloomy apartment"
  8. take or obtain (liquid) from a container. “A wheel was built to draw water from the well"
  9. to run (a bath). "I would have been drawing his bath"
  10. obtain something from a particular source. "An independent panel of judges drawn from members of the public"
  11. select (a ticket or name) randomly to decide winners in a lottery, opponents in a sporting contest, etc. "She drew a ticket and announced the number but no one claimed it"
  12. use (one's experience, talents, or skills) as a resource. "Sue has a lot of past experience to draw on"
  13. obtain or withdraw (money) from a bank or other source. "Now I just draw out a spending allowance every week"
  14. search (cover) for game. “Many a time she had seen the hounds draw such a covert"
  15. (of a chimney, flue, or fire) allow air to flow in and upwards freely, so that a fire can burn. "Failure of a fire to draw properly can have a number of causes"
  16. take in (a breath). "Mrs Feather drew a long breath"
  17. (of tea) be left standing so that the flavour is extracted from the leaves. "A pot of tea is allowed to draw"
  18. be the cause of (a specified response). "He drew criticism for his lavish spending"
  19. attract (someone) to come to a place or an event. “You really drew the crowds with your playing"
  20. direct or attract (someone's attention) to something. “It was an outrage and we had to draw people's attention to it"
  21. reach (a conclusion) by deduction or inference from a set of circumstances. "The moral to be drawn is that spending wins votes"
  22. formulate or perceive (a comparison or distinction). “The law drew a clear distinction between innocent and fraudulent misrepresentation”
  23. select (a ticket or name) randomly to decide winners in a lottery, opponents in a sporting contest, etc. "She drew a ticket and announced the number but no one claimed it”
  24. finish (a contest or game) with an even score. "Brazil had drawn a stormy match 1–1"


Challenge 1: We challenge you to comment in the comments section below with your very best sentence that uses our word of the week. Each week we shall select the best KS2 sentence as our weekly winner.


Challenge 2: This week, you may like you to continue building your own ‘Word Collectors Booklet’. The first page of your booklet is available to download below if you need it. You should complete one side of the page and then next week you can complete the other half of the page with the next word. The idea is that over the weeks you will collect lots of words on your collector pages, which can be put together in a ‘Word Collector Booklet’!

Now challenge yourself and your grown-ups to use this week's word in different ways throughout the week!

Happy word learning!

Mrs Anderson

  • Jamie K 5 years ago
    The boy drew the chair towards himself, sat down and started to draw the majestic scenery. As the car drove past, the boy drew his notebook towards him and started to draw his dream car, a Ferrari.
  • Freya 5 years ago
    Tom had already drawn in the attention of the feisty mob with his flamboyant telling of the exciting sea shanty in the cramped, rotting boat as it drew into the deserted bay, but in the faint distance the survivors on the boat heard a prize draw being pulled and suddenly everything changed.
  • Rowan 5 years ago
    My sentence is: As I drew closer to the UFO, I contemplated wether or not to push a big red button that would cause many scientists to come and inspect this profound object.
  • Niah 5 years ago
    The lady suddenly sprung up from her chair like a bee had stung her which drew unwanted attention to the gaggle of posh ladies and gentlemen who were dining on prawns and cheese.
  • Mrs Anderson 5 years ago
    My attention has certainly been drawn in to these spectacularly varied sentences. Well done Rhine class- competitive entries so far this week.
  • Joseph 5 years ago
    As my body emerged from the tempestuous, mighty sea, I drew in a monumental, gasping breath before the wild waves engulfed and swallowed me up once again.
  • Mrs Weston 5 years ago
    Wow, Rhine Class, I can't choose the best sentence from these; it must be a draw! Or perhaps the winner's name should be drawn from a hat?
  • Magdalene 5 years ago
    As we arrived at the beach, I drew out the beach ball we owned and grabbed my brother so we could play with it in the ocean. However, the rapid waves drew the ball into the water and as it floated away, we managed to draw other peoples attention. Luckily, our intrepid dad came to the rescue and drew the ball into his arms.
  • Alexander 4 years ago
    As the deathly, black night drew in, an abhorrent cry came from the woods and Sam contemplated if this night would be his last.
  • Mrs Matthews 4 years ago
    As the week drew to a close, Mrs MATTHEWS wondered if the rest of the class would be drawn into the competition.

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