KS2 Word of the Week, Week 2 (Amazon)

Week 2 of learning vocabulary remotely!
Congratulations to last week's KS2 winning sentence written by Joseph!
I hope you enjoyed last week's word of the week video and have been trying your hardest to use last week's word in lots of different ways to impress those around you with your growing vocabulary.
We have loved reading your sentences; it really has been the highlight of our week! We hope to see even more of you getting involved this week. Can KS2 collect more sentences than KS1 this week? Hmm, we shall see!
Once you have taken part in the video clip, see your challenges below. If viewing this video on the app, please go to the blog post on the website to see the video.
Apologies this has been so difficult to upload but fingers crossed this link should work! The video may take a few moments to display and say, 'we're processing this video' when you click the link, be patient and it should work!
Challenge 1: We challenge you to comment in the comments section below with your very best sentence that uses our word of the week. Each week we shall select the best KS2 sentence as our weekly winner.
Challenge 2: This week, you may like you to start building your own ‘Word Collectors Booklet’. The first page of your booklet is available to download below. You should complete one side of the page and then next week you can complete the other half of the page with the next word. The idea is that over the weeks you will collect lots of words on your collector pages, which can be put together in a ‘Word Collector Booklet’!
Now challenge yourself and your grown-ups to use this week's word correctly throughout the week!
Below you will also find 'Mrs Wordsmith's Word of the Day in 10 days'
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