Stay and Read

The children loved welcoming their grown ups to Stay and Read this afternoon. We started by exploring four new words; peril, cunning, anxious, and emerged. We then shared the story 'Penguin in Peril' by Helen Hancocks, looking for this new vocabulary as we read. We practised reading like storytellers and during our 'Time to Talk' we discussed our initial reactions to this super story.
This book then inspired us to create our own 'Missing!' posters. We showed of new skills learnt this term to our grown-ups, using alliteration, different sentence types and our new vocabulary in our writing. Word mats, word lucky dips and word cubes helped our grown-ups to learn some new vocabulary too!
We finished the afternoon with another story written by the same author- William and the Missing Masterpiece.
Tomorrow we shall display our posters around the school in the hope that someone may be able to help us find the missing penguin!
Thank you to our grown-ups for joining us in class this afternoon- we loved sharing our learning with you.